WIW: silver shoes

I’ve been wearing my black Free People Royale asymmetric flats nonstop, so when I found a good deal on the silver version, I duplicated.

I’ve wanted silver shoes for a while but I was never quite sure how they’ll fit in my wardrobe. Last year I bought some very inexpensive silver ballet flats as a test of the concept, then never wore them because I don’t wear ballet flats...

Anyway, I’m pleased to see that they work quite well with black jeans. I’ve worn them once with an all-black outfit, but yesterday I tried a white tee to balance out the shoes.

My beloved new Everlane jacket faded in the wash, but the photos are deceptive - it’s still quite a bit darker than the jeans. I like the contrasts in this outfit.

(I got a great deal on these silver shoes but I’d just committed to them before I found those cowboy mules so I feel bad about my shoe budget. However, I just learned I’m getting a big NIH research grant so perhaps the mules will be my present to myself!)

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  • Sara L. replied 6 years ago

    Ooh, I love the silver shoes.  I was just looking at my shoe collection and thinking I need silver shoes for the winter.  I had a couple pairs of silver sandals that I wore a bunch last summer and now I'd like to continue that color this winter.

  • Janet replied 6 years ago

    Aren't those shoes just so fun? I don't wear my pink metallic ones a lot, because...well, hot pink is a definite wild card for me, and my wearing season is short, but I love them when I do wear them! 

    You are almost making me want to get a silver pair too, but I'll resist. :-) I love your whole outfit -- I am a big fan of keeping everything else simple and minimal with statement shoes. 

  • Thea replied 6 years ago

    great outfit! I loved the black version on you, but the silver are even better!

  • Jenni NZ replied 6 years ago

    Oh yeah! Fantastic. Love your plait as well, you have stunning hair.

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Janet, the pink ones are amazing, so I hope you find a few chances a year to wear them.

    This particular outfit made me feel like one of those minimalist capsule wardrobe bloggers, to be honest... I like it, but I need to balance it with some edgier outfits too.

    Speaking of duplicating, I might try a size down in these jeans. They stretch out quite a bit more than the solid black version.

  • karen13 replied 6 years ago

    Love this head to toe. The high waist / cropped shirt looks great too.

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Karen, this tee has become a workhorse - I have two of the same style in black, and one white. Sadly, they're from Zara and the quality isn't great. Seams coming out, black dye fading... but they are so perfect for my current high waisted jeans that I am repairing them as needed. Here's the find.

  • Helena replied 6 years ago

    Love these!

  • LaPed replied 6 years ago

    Nice! The silhouette of these shoes is perfect for you, in black OR silver. Your braided hair looks great, too!

  • Angie replied 6 years ago

    I LOVE #3. KILLER.

  • Suz replied 6 years ago

    These look terrific! They will work really well with black and white and also grey. Also your bits of blush and/or lavender. 

    I love the style. Very tempting! Silver shoes work hard in my closet. But I don't have flats like these. 

  • Canada replied 6 years ago

    For the firs time EV-err I bought a pair of silver slip on shoes last spring. Such a wild card for me but I wore them out with my white jeans. Your silver flats are just wonderful! My shoe budget is also done for the winter so I have to admire but not copy.

  • Windchime replied 6 years ago

    I had to read your post when I saw “silver shoes.” I love your Free People shoes and they look wonderful with your outfit and style! The bit about not wearing silver ballet flats because you don’t wear ANY ballet flats made me smile.

    Silver shoes have been on my list for about a year; it’s a matter of finding the right ones.

    Oh, and congratulations on the NIH grant!

  • Joy replied 6 years ago

    Your title made me look. Beautiful silver shoes that can be worn nearly year round.

  • Jane replied 6 years ago

    Beautiful! I love them!
    Well done with the grant!

  • bj1111 replied 6 years ago

    love the silver with white as a bookend.

    congrats on the grant...that is so awesome especially given the payline.

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