This is my first YLF purchase: the Aqua zippered sweater that Angie recommended. I've narrowed down my massive sweater search to this plus two other sweaters that are on their way. I love the size and shape, almost a tunic on me. Great for those days when I feel like nothing fits quite right. It's so warm, perfect for my Christmas trip to Peoria (inlaws) where the lows were hovering around 0F.
The new Tsubo boots are here, too. The zippers aren't as obvious in these photos but it's fun to have two big exposed zipper items in one outfit. I felt like the zipper trend was over, but in both these pieces I really like it and think it's quite current. The boots are perfect on my short legs, I think. Opinions?
(I think I found a buyer for my previous tall boots, so I'm breaking almost even on this purchase.)
Bonus WIW: my favorite Theyskens blazer now back from the tailor with arms that are the right length! I think this is the same blazer Shevia scored recently. It's a big boxy boyfriend cut with very sharp shoulders, a few years old but I'm sticking with it.
Anyone else being tempted to horrible excess by post-Christmas sales? I'm trying not to give in to the temptation to buy huge, lovely wide leg trousers that are 70% off on shopbop but still far too much.