WIW: skirts!

Angie asked if I wore skirts, and I do!

The first outfit is from a party last weekend. It was my favorite type of party: a house full of dozens of my friends, since the hosts are at the nexus of a lot of social groups. Silk/cotton knit BCBG skirt (bought used), silk BR shirt, and my magic LD Tuttle shoes. I love the pattern on the skirt. It's knit that way, not printed. Jacky pointed out that it looks almost like animal print, but more geometric.

The second is from my dance group's annual Christmas party last night, bittersweet because our teacher just retired and we all miss him immensely. I decided to go with something simple: a leather a-line skirt (BCBG, bought used) and white blouse (Everlane), and the same Rachel Comey boots that I was afraid I couldn't wear (solved wonderfully with insoles!). I wished I had a dramatic necklace like this to make it more festive:
but I don't.

So, skirts. I have trouble with hemlines - my mental image and the reality are not always in sync. What do you think of the proportions on these outfits? The white shirt looks longer than idea though I like the overall effect enough that I decided to wear it.

Funny thing - I just redid the almost-shaved side of my head last weekend. When it's an inch long and my hair is down, people hardly notice it. But my dance group is full of older, more traditional Irish people (plus my wonderful flamboyant-but-traditional-Irish teacher!) and they were more shocked than I expected. One woman kept saying in dismay "Why did you do that? Your lovely hair!" and my teacher gave me a big smile, grabbed my head and rubbed the side. I swear it's been like this since June, more or less, and they just hadn't noticed til I put it up!

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  • carter replied 11 years ago

    Well, shoot. I'd never noticed the shaved part of your hair either! Love the skirts on you!

  • Angie replied 11 years ago

    #1 is killer, Greyscale. I like the edgier proportions, and neon pink horizontally cutting strap on your leg line. It's fashion forward and fun. The flirty silhouette of the skirt softens the look, and is an excellent juxtaposition against the shaved part of your head. All kind of neutralized with your red specs. Fantastic. No wonder you felt like a million bucks. You look it. 

    I also love the easy school-girl proportions of #3. Gorgeous to my eye, with your red curls adding a romantic third piece. A truly marvelous accessory. The Edgy Classic. 

    People can be so unobservant, can't they. 

  • Angie replied 11 years ago

    OH YES. How fun to see you in skirts. xo

  • catgirl replied 11 years ago

    Well, look at you.  I'm finding skirts and dresses over skinnies and boots to be my winterized look... helps de-femme the whole look.  But you look lovely as is!

  • Jaime replied 11 years ago

    Yay! I love both of these. That white blouse is perfect and I love your shoes! But I am not sure I had noticed your hair before either, although I am pretty sure I would have in person. (I think. Unless I kept staring at your shoes)

  • Gigi replied 11 years ago

    You look great! I'm going to try to copy outfit #2. I think that the length of the shirt is fine. The proportions seem good to me!

  • LACeleste replied 11 years ago

    You look great in skirts!  I love all your looks!

  • Deborah replied 11 years ago

    Love seeing you in skirts! I find skirts challenging and am more attracted to them in summer. I love #1. Nice proportions and an interesting look. #2 does evoke a school girl look which is cool, I love your hair and had certainly noticed the shaved side:).

  • Greyscale replied 11 years ago

    I didn't mind a bit of a schoolgirl look - I figure that the leather skirt and the haircut make it a little edgier, and the lack of punk accessories keeps it classy and adult. I was glad I didn't end up looking like a waitress, though! I tried tucking in the shirt, and that definitely read as waitress, but untucked, I think it's entirely fine.

  • replied 11 years ago

    You look nice in skirts and great way to show those cool booties!

  • Beth Ann replied 11 years ago

    Love the long over short proportions, and the combination of feminine and edgy.  So glad you had a chance to enjoy being with friends and looking great!

  • CocoLion replied 11 years ago

    I'm looking at these from my phone. To me you always look great. If one thing struck me though it's that you could wear your skirts shorter. You are young. I know that's not a popular stance here on YLF but I think short skirts are attractive on someone w your build.

  • E replied 11 years ago

    Oh these are stunning! You look as edgy and cool in skirts as trousers. :D I love these proportions; I almost always tuck into my skirts but you're making me want to try leaving a blouse out.

    I really love how your second outfit is like a deconstructed, adult version of stereotypical schoolgirl looks. I sometimes resent that some of my favourite styles of clothing are so strongly associated with school girls!

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