Wildcard statement shoes?

I just made an impulse buy at Bloomingdale's before their 25% off sale ends today. I am having trouble committing to them, though.

I fell in love with these navy & black snakeskin-texture cowboy mules (first in Finds, below). I've been looking for cowboy boots all year (my R13 dream boots are also in Finds, for reference) but I wasn't thinking of mules. But something about these just captivated me when I saw them this weekend, so I went back this morning and snapped them up as quickly as I could. They have all the style points I was looking for in a cowboy boot, the heel and toe shape, particularly.

They fit perfectly and stay on my feet. There's an elastic gore that makes them very comfortable over my very high instep. Quite a surprise - usually I have to avoid mules. I don't know if it would become a problem after a few hours of wear, though; so many of my boots become painful.

I have a lot of shoes, but they're all solid black, and I'd been wanting a statement shoe of some sort. My black shoes feel boring (except for the FP asymmetric flats!). Are these the ones? They would be great with jeans - I will model later. I think the navy would go well with my black denim and not feel like a challenge to fit into my wardrobe, despite the novelty of the color for me.

My only hesitation is the little silvery studs around the edges. If not for those, I'd keep them in a heartbeat, but it feels a little loud for my usual minimalist taste. I suppose an alternative is the black suede version (no studs) in Finds, but they lose something.

They are expensive... much, much more than I usually spend. I just listed an embarrassing collection of practically new shoes to sell on Poshmark, so my track record with shoes isn't great, but these seem to pass the comfort and style test...

Poorly lit photo from Bloomingdale's. I'll post more at home with jeans. They're ok with the skirt but better with ankle-cropped jeans, I bet.

Update: more photos in comments

My current shoe collection is here for reference.

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  • Canada replied 6 years ago

    Great looking shoes! So stylish with your denim skirt and the studs don't look outrageous-- just a subtle trending addi on. They fit? You like them? Wear them about your house for a few hours and if they pass the test, it's a good bet.

  • Bennett replied 6 years ago

    I think these are fabulous! Everything about them is so current. If the studs bother you maybe you can try a navy or black nail polish to blend them in with the shoe more? I'm not above altering my fashion in any way possible to fit my taste!
    Or you could add one slim silver bangle or necklace to speak to the trim on the shoe.

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    I suppose these also pick up on the animal print trend, a bit, and in a way that I can actually enjoy wearing!

    I'd be nervous about altering such expensive shoes, but something to tone down the silver might be perfect! This sort of nickel plate doesn't take color well, but black Sharpie marker would last for a while and have a good translucent effect -- and be totally reversible.

    I think they're glued on (not screw-in studs) so I suppose they could be pried off and the leather surface could be repaired, but that seems too risky.

  • Angie replied 6 years ago






    I can't be more succinct about this. 

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Angie, I KNEW YOU WOULD SAY THAT. Heh. I thought, "I bet Angie is going to love these."

    Ok, I will think about the shoe budget, but leaning towards keeping!

  • Jules replied 6 years ago

    Well Angie has spoken, but I also came to say OMG love these for you!

  • JAileen replied 6 years ago

    They’re FAB!!! Definitely keep!

  • Suz replied 6 years ago


    I'm with Angie. If you don't keep these babies, I'll yell at you. ;) They are gorgeous!! 

  • replied 6 years ago

    These are great!
    They are perfect for your style.

  • Angie replied 6 years ago

    *happy dance*

    There you go. You have me pegged, Greyscale :)

    I LOVE the way the blue and metal hardware infiltrate and befriend your all-black wardrobe. They are also more refined and blingy than what you usually wear. Embrace the change!

  • Angie replied 6 years ago

    Hard Edged cousins to my little darlings:

  • Runcarla replied 6 years ago

    Everything about these mules is fabulous and my inclination would be for you to keep. If they really do feel comfortable, fit, and stay on your feet - it is a no brainer. FWIW, the little bit of stud bling helps make the shoe so fab.

  • Kathie replied 6 years ago

    Angie has spoken, but I’ll add that these are gorgeous, and I do hope you keep them.

  • cindysmith replied 6 years ago

    I'm with Angie. These are awesome!

  • Jaime replied 6 years ago

    Love them. Keep!

  • Joy replied 6 years ago

    These look like they belong in your wardrobe. Your eye may adjust to and embrace those studs. So try them for awhile

  • Gigi replied 6 years ago

    These look really good on you. Like Angie says, they're different. I bet you'll get lots of compliments with these! FWIW, I don't think that the studs are too loud.

  • Jessikams replied 6 years ago

    I have a pair of cowboy-shape miles and I’ve been surprised how they go with everything. Keep!

  • Jenni NZ replied 6 years ago

    Sorry Greyscale I will be the spanner. I suppose it's predictable- I have always said our styles are quite opposite, although I really appreciate yours. I don't like how these look on your feet. It may be how stark the vamp looks against your very pale skin?
    And just because you fell in love with them... the number you are selling probably suggest you fell in love with those too? I fall in love with shoes all.the.time and have 42 on my wish list, which is the same number as I actually own. Doesn't mean I'll buy them!
    I urge caution. Angie and Suz's cross words notwithstanding :)

  • jussie replied 6 years ago

    Hmm well I think they will look great with almost all of your outfits. There’s nothing better than a trendy statement shoe!

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Thanks for all the encouragement! My partner likes them too - I was concerned he’d think they were too blingy for me. He has excellent taste.

    Here are some better photos, with jeans! Next step is wearing them on carpet for an hour or so - I need to be sure they’re comfortable. My wonderful Pedag shoe inserts fit in them, but push my instep higher and then the vamp feels too tight. Now assessing how they feel without the inserts.

    Jenni, I agree that they aren’t great on bare legs - I’m more likely to wear them with jeans. I don’t like how it cuts off my foot visually in the skirt.

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Oh, and about the number of shoes I'm selling -- the losers actually tend to be the ones I stalked for ages, cases where I decided "I need a trendy block heel pump" for instance, found the perfect ones, waited for them to go on sale... then realized I just don't wear heels. In a sense, the fact that these were a total impulse buy (saw them, tried them on, loved them) breaks a problematic pattern.

    Comfort is key, so the real test is whether these will be comfortable. The shoes I'm selling all failed that in some way.

  • UmmLila (Lisa) replied 6 years ago

    I love the blue/black combination. They're perfect for you. (And I'm laughing at Angie's directive.)

  • Murph11 replied 6 years ago

    I want these to work for you as if they were my own... so awesome!

  • Gigi replied 6 years ago

    I hope these pass the comfort test.

    I have had a lot of luck with impulse buys. My first pair of leopard booties were an impulse buy, and I got tons of compliments on them. I am tiring of them now and will probably sell, but I got five years of wear out of them. My style has changed slightly and I'm looking for something a little different--the leopard booties were exactly what I was looking for at the time I purchased them.

  • Canada replied 6 years ago

    Greyscale, your latest shoe photos look like a fashion magazine spread. I'm also enjoying your graphic carpet and citron chair with your new boots! Hope they are comfortable because I think you will wear the heck out of them.

  • mtnsofthemoon replied 6 years ago

    I am late to this post but THEY ARE FABULOUS AND PERFECT FOR YOU!  They seem perfect with your style and add something new and different without clashing with your minimalist style.  Also don't forget the shoe looks much different to people who are facing you or looking at you.  You're angle of looking straight down is not how the shoe will look "in public" so to speak.  ENJOY them!!

  • Angie replied 6 years ago

    *high fiving your partner*

  • Bijou replied 6 years ago

    Wow they are divine on you, they look even better when at home in good light.

    So glad that Angie has spoken!

  • Stagiaire Fash replied 6 years ago

    Completely off topic, but I just came across this & thought it might be your new color: https://www.anthropologie.com/.....pe=REGULAR

  • Jenni NZ replied 6 years ago

    Hey, I really like how they look with the jeans longer ( not cuffed). I think it was the "cut your foot off" visually thing I wasn't keen on. And falling in love, especially if it breaks a problematic pattern, is just the best thing for shoes. Makes me so, so happy if the loved shoes become workhorses.
    How is the comfort going with the inserts?

  • Katerina replied 6 years ago

    Late to the party, but they look sooo great with the jeans! Hope they will pass the comfort test.

  • krishnidoux replied 6 years ago

    Great footwear! And I bet they should become so practical, esp. if you make them an indoor shoe for the winter. I would totally see them with bootleg jeans or wider legs trousers.

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