September tracking - week 2

Week two! Quite different than week one. Last week was a capsule. I could own only those items and be pretty happy. This week was odds and ends. I think it was subconscious: the capsule was great but I own a lot of clothing and I should try harder to wear more of it.

Again, all black unless otherwise specified - but this week did see more of my white and lilac options.

Sunday (photos 1-4): Wandered around my neighborhood with my guy. We stopped into the awesome cheese and wine place for an afternoon snack - bonus photo of me and a glass of rose (usually I'm a beer person)
Everlane faded high rise skinnies, Aritzia cropped tee, Zara cropped nylon jacket, Free People asymmetric flats.
Monday: work, nothing special, but a nice warm day
Gap faded cropped wide leg jeans, Everlane men's white short-sleeve oxford, Everlane jean jacket, Converse leather high tops
Tuesday (photos 5-6): taught a class (grad students, so casual is fine)
Re/done high rise skinnies, Banana Republic lilac tee (new), Rag & Bone velvet jean-style jacket, Cydwoq sandals, silk bandana
dance (gear): Uniqlo sweat shorts, Uniqlo tee
Wednesday: planned to go out after work, so I wore edgier clothes (then didn't go out after all, heh)
R13 crossover jeans, Uniqlo boxy tee, Everlane jean jacket, Free People asymmetric flats
Thursday: work, much chillier than it has been
Levi's wedgie high rise jeans, Alexander Wang thick cotton sweater, Frye engineer boots
Friday: faculty meeting
Everlane high rise skinnies, J Crew silk shirt bodysuit, Laer leather biker jacket, J Crew oxfords
Saturday: we meant to do something social/interesting but we didn't - waste of a good outfit!
Everlane boyfriend jeans, Helmut Lang sleeveless draped wool turtleneck, Everlane jean jacket, Dr Martens boots

First, the totals.
Jeans: Six in one week! Three repeated from last week, three new. Boyfriend, three different high-rise skinnies, wide leg crop, and the very distinctive R13 x-over - a more eclectic mix than last week. The Gap wide leg crops haven't been worn much this year - I don't know if I got tired of them or if it's just that we had a chilly summer. Also, the new Everlane skinnies are really taking over the Levi wedgie's place in my wardrobe. But redundancy is fine even if I don't like the Levi's as much.
 No plain black tees!! Well, ok, two black tees but both were distinctive. And two non-black tops! And I'm doing a great job of working my interview/professional clothes into my daily wear.
Toppers & outerwear: ...not a single cardigan! How strange. Last week was all cardigans. Mostly just the weather? And, same three outerwear choices as last week. Two weeks in, and the Everlane jean jacket is one of my best-ever purchases.
Shoes: Flats x2 (those Free People shoes are still dominating!), 2 boots, sandals, fancy Converse. The oxfords are what I used to wear in outfits where I now turn to the FP flats, but they still have plenty of opportunities.

Outfit happiness:
Thursday's outfit was sort of meh. I should have taken a picture. The chunky cotton sweater looks better with dramatic boyfriend jeans, I think. I'll keep that in mind. This outfit felt a little too much like me-in-highschool, sort of basic.
I really liked Sunday's outfit with the cropped nylon jacket, and Wednesday's with the crossover jeans, and today's with the years-old Helmut Lang top. All very me.
I like the lilac tee, but something didn't quite gel for me about Tuesday's outfit. Maybe just my unease at not wearing black.

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  • LaPed replied 6 years ago

    The FP flats really elevate even the simplest outfit! A testament to the power of shoes. 

  • jussie replied 6 years ago

    I really like pics 5/6! The lilac tee and bandanna look perfect :).

  • chouette22 replied 6 years ago

    Take more photos (look who's talking)! :) We want to see all the outfits as they sound so interesting! Love the two you posted. And yes, I know what you mean about wasted outfits, haha. 

  • replied 6 years ago

    I find your reflections and outfit happiness to be the most interesting aspects of this challenge.  You are doing a GREAT JOB of working your interview clothes into your every day clothes.  I'm a little surprised that the Gap wide legged pants are not being worn much.  I originally bought them because they looked so great on you.   I wonder if you just moved on?  And finally, although I adore the lavender tee shirt, it doesn't seem to suit you the way everything else does.  All the other WIWs look like "you."  You look comfortable in your skin and quite competent.  

  • JAileen replied 6 years ago

    Your outfits really do look like you. Are the FP flats comfy? I just ordered them in ...silver! They were super marked down at Nordstrom so I thought I’d try them. Not that I need more silver shoes.

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Sterling, I think weather is to blame for me not wearing the Gap jeans. I cropped them to mid calf and I prefer wearing them in warm weather. It’s been a chilly summer here and I’ve hardly worn cropped pants or sandals at all. I was expecting to wear the crops more this month, but it hasn’t warmed up like usual. Still time for it to get warm though - October is usually warm also.

    I can also wear them with Dr Martens in chillier weather - I’ll try that more often. They’re great jeans.

  • replied 6 years ago

    Well .... just know you look so good in them that I went out and bought them for myself.  You rock the look and are truly a fashion inspiration. 

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    JAileen I also just bought them in silver from Nordstrom!! They arrived yesterday. Lovely silver - a tiny bit of iridescent rainbow look in the sun but not too much. I have to style them with a few looks to see if they’ll fit my wardrobe but they seem perfect at first glance.

  • replied 6 years ago

    I admire your ability to put together a collection of clothes that look so "you", and you also have a great eye for footwear .  I'm having a hard time keeping my all-black outfits looking interesting and "me".  They are lacking an injection of something - and maybe it's statement footwear.  Always appreciate reading and looking at your posts.  

  • Barbara Diane replied 6 years ago

    Your outfits are always interesting. Footwear and details for the win.

  • Angie replied 6 years ago

    You look GORGEOUS in #4. You are pretty :)

    Adore the soft pink, and like the proportions and length of #2. Very nicely done. 

  • Joy replied 6 years ago

    Great outfits and so you. Maybe you need to ease into pastel tees by finding a couple with black graphics or designs on them. Love the velvet Jean-style jacket!

  • Elizabeth P replied 6 years ago

    What a great set of outfits/finds!  So glad you are able to work your interview clothes into your "real" life.

    I'm wondering where you are finding the silver FP shoes.  I've had  them in my finds all summer, and keep visiting them :).  But they've been showing as gone for a couple of weeks now... I'd def be interested if they are on sale!

  • JAileen replied 6 years ago

    Elizabeth, when I ordered the silver FP shoes on Sept 11th, they were available in only one size. After I ordered they were sold out, and still are. I ordered 41, so I may be sending them back. I wear sz 10, but Nordstrom’s conversion to euro sizes always seems wrong. I assume someone returned them.

  • Elizabeth P replied 6 years ago

    Ahhhh.. Thanks JAileen.  Greyscale must have lucked in the same way.

  • Helena replied 6 years ago

    Love love love the lilac, and it looks so modern and unexpected against your edgy blacks.

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Elizabeth, yes, they were sold out and then a 37 popped back in stock. Sadly mine have a scratch but I’m keeping them because they’re sold out.

    There are a few sizes available here at a good price though they’re final sale:

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Lisa, there’s something challenging about all black, for sure. Plenty of days, I put together an all black outfit I think I’ll love and then it just feels flat, like I’m dressing as a stagehand to be invisible. Shoes do help. I have two pairs of puma sneakers that I love but never wear because I can’t figure out how to style them. Somehow I always feel like I’m dressed like when I was 14, when I try to wear them with jeans.

    Angie, thanks, that’s sweet! My guy rarely takes photos of me so it was extra nice that he wanted to catch that moment. We were having a great day.

    Joy, I love your idea of black graphics on a pink tee! I’ll keep an eye out for something sufficiently rock & roll. Or... could I even think of my own design to print on this same tee? It would solve the problem that it feels too boring. Hmmmm.

  • Stagiaire Fash replied 6 years ago

    Your posts always have good discussion!

    “Like a stagehand”, lol. I like the way you’re slowly working in those new shades. Think you’ll ever want a “big” piece, like pants or a sweater, in them?

    I really like those J Crew shoes, predictably.

    I know, it isn’t rock & roll but I like it.

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    I'd consider pale pink/lilac jeans, for sure. Only if super distressed though. I tried buying distressed white boyfriend jeans but the ones I got are too big - maybe next time.

  • LaPed replied 6 years ago

    I love the idea of DIYing a black graphic onto the lilac tee! It's been years since I did anything of the sort, but I got pretty into screenprinting back in high school, and also just making stencils to use with fabric spray paint. After a while I don't think I had any plain t-shirts left. ;)

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Stenciling would also give it that DIY punk look - and my artist friend has a very nice laser cutter that is great for cutting stencils. Hmm. I have no idea what to print on it though, especially on a v neck. I will contemplate.

    I don't wear a lot of graphic tees - the graphics or words have to be outsized or weird in some way. The only one in my 'real' wardrobe (vs play clothes) is this shirt from the J Crew boys' section that makes me laugh.

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