Fashion icon challenge: Ines de la Fressange

Ines isn't one of my usual inspirations, but I love her style. (Her Uniqlo collab is pretty great too!) As I got dressed this morning, haphazardly, I realized I could add a few touches and channel her look.

The basics, what I was going to wear anyway, are the Joie metallic linen top and R13 boyfriend jeans (which are too big).

I added this old silk scarf that I love, a skinny belt, and tucked my shirt instead of wearing it out. The oxfords are a more Ines look than the combat boots I originally meant to wear. And my new smartwool socks add a little bit of hipster flair, I think, though I usually wear the oxfords with no socks and that might be better.

Does Ines come through at all?

(The jeans really are too big. Le sigh.)

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  • Angie replied 8 years ago

    Fabulous. Ines from the waist up. Greyscale from the belt down. Why not! Your hipster socks are adorable, and so is your smile. Good job. 

  • Meredith replied 8 years ago

    I'm not very familiar with her style, but I was going to say the same as Angie.  French chic on top, hipster on the bottom.

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 8 years ago

    Nicely done! I like this outfit on you, Greyscale--it's a bit French chic and bit tough. Looks great!

  • crazyone replied 8 years ago

    Ines comes through, and Frenchness definitely comes through--some of the French scientists at my company dress like this, both top and bottom!  

    Fun seeing a bit of your science behind you :-)

  • Greyscale replied 8 years ago

    Crazyone -- I love my whiteboard! My first grad student gave it to me for my birthday two years ago. I reimbursed the cost, but his huge kindness was in getting it installed, because I kept saying I wanted one but never got around to it. Seeing some science on it makes me very happy.

  • Aida replied 8 years ago

    Fun! I like the little changes to add just a touch of Ines to your look. Especially like the combo of tucked top + silky neck scarf.

  • Bonnie replied 8 years ago

    Love it!!

  • Sally replied 8 years ago

    Love it. I know she wears oxfords because I saw a pic of her in her Oxfords when I looked her up. The neck scarf is so French chic.

  • Style Fan replied 8 years ago

    Love this.  A bit of both.

  • Suz replied 8 years ago

    You, and your whiteboard background, are utterly fab and utterly unique. Ines, a whisper, yes, but also you. Woman of style. 

  • rachylou replied 8 years ago

    I had no idea how you were gonna do it. Ines is rather a challenge if you ask me. Well done - the scarf is brilliant.

  • Jaime replied 8 years ago

    That is what inspiration is all about. Love the oxfords!

  • Maneera replied 8 years ago

    Love!!! The polished scarf & tucked -in tee together balance out the lose your outfit is still pretty pulled together. I love the socks!

  • skylurker replied 8 years ago

    I think the jeans are all yours - nevermind, I like this outfit on you.

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