WIW: my weird shirt, finally!

All year, I've wanted a Weird Shirt. You know, all these deconstructed shirts, strange angles... it seemed so 'me' but I had trouble finding mine. Many were poofy and frilled and didn't fit my style. Some were overwhelming on my short frame.

Then I found it! This fragmented shirt by Milly. It can be buttoned together in various ways: here I'm wearing it fairly conventionally. The whole bottom buttons off to make a cropped shirt, another good look.

I waited for its price to drop and drop some more. Eventually it ended up at the Rack. I had to size up because it was tight in the armpits; the end result is a little looser than ideal but I think it works.

Worn here with Gap velvet legging pants and an excellent consignment score: this wool Rag & Bone jacket I got for 10% its original price. It fits my shift from drapey avant-garde to a slightly more masculine inspiration over the past few years.

Edit: I added the Find. Note that the Rack website, and the tag, say it's silk, but it's definitely stretch cotton poplin, maybe with a bit of nylon. Also, here is a page of different stylings of the white version. http://www.milly.com/the-fractured-shirt/

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  • rachylou replied 7 years ago


  • Toban replied 7 years ago

    That's so you! Love it. 

  • jussie replied 7 years ago

    Very unique!

  • Emily K replied 7 years ago

    You got a good one! Yea for the Rag & Bone jacket, too!  I just wish I could find something like that at consignment (maybe if I put in the time and effort ;-)  )

  • LaPed replied 7 years ago

    Looks awesome! I like the idea of a shirt you can reconfigure to wear year-round. Jacket looks like quite a score, too.

  • Greyscale replied 7 years ago

    Emily, there's a store here that puts in the effort for me, Wasteland. Their prices are high (this was a steal at $60 - usually a jacket there would go for more) but they separate out the designer stuff on its own racks and they're really picky about what they buy.

    I've been using Poshmark a lot recently but I keep making size mistakes even though I try to buy brands whose sizing I know. Then the only solution is to resell things - no returns. So I should be careful.

  • Cardiff girl replied 7 years ago

    It s so satisfying isn’t it,when you’ve wanted something for a long time and put effort into “stalking”it then finally you get it.I think you ll enjoy wearing it all the more .

  • Janet replied 7 years ago

    I love that shirt! I’d seen it before and thought it looked totally cool. You wear it well!

  • Angie replied 7 years ago


    I love the skin peeking through in #1. 

  • Barbara Diane replied 7 years ago

    What a fun and fab top. I want to see all the different ways you can wear it. And what a good job you've done with thrifting/stalking.

  • UmmLila (Lisa) replied 7 years ago

    Really a good choice for you. I'd be interested in seeing the Find for this.

  • tanstaafl replied 7 years ago

    Really cool! I hope you share more pictures of it buttoned or unbuttoned different ways. How is the month of interviewing going?

  • Lynn replied 7 years ago

    That is one cool blouse! So glad you were able to find your "weird blouse"  I like the whole outfit. 

  • viva replied 7 years ago

    Honestly I was expecting to find it just too avant garde for real life but I LOVE it. I would wear it! It’s just fabulous. And it looks amazing on you. Perfect styling head to toe.

  • Greyscale replied 7 years ago

    Viva, exactly, so many of the Weird Shirts are just too much look for me. I like a bit of weirdness to my outfits but I also don't like to stand out too much. This was the perfect compromise.

  • Elizabeth P replied 7 years ago

    That shirt is perfect for you. Congrats on finally landing it. I hope you’ll model it more for us, and show us the other ways it can be worn.

    Any news yet from your interviews?

  • replied 7 years ago

    Killer is an understatement. This looks really terrific on you - you are excellent at getting fits right.  And a R&B jacket for 90% off?  So envious!

  • unfrumped replied 7 years ago

    Really looks like “ you”! I’d live to see it in more detail( problem of photoing dark items). I wish I were good at stalking and finding unusual items.

  • Joy replied 7 years ago

    Yay for finding your weird shirt. It is do you.

  • Greyscale replied 7 years ago

    The interview results won't be in for at least a month, sometimes longer. It's a slow process.

  • Greyscale replied 7 years ago

    Update: I added the find. Meant to earlier, but I was running around all day.

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago

    What a super look. Your patience paid off, big time! I love the jacket with it, too.

  • Suz replied 7 years ago

    OMG I am so jealous! Both these pieces are amazing. You have brilliant thrifting skills. LOVE the shirt on you. 

  • kkards replied 7 years ago

    wasn't sure what i was going to see re weird shirt....this is fab...weird but still approachable....totally you.
    and that R&B jacket! 

  • Bijou replied 7 years ago

    This is brilliant and so very you, especially in black. I love the various combinations that you can play with, I really liked the version that looked a bit like a straight jacket, with the buttons at the back.

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